
Happy 2018!

Improved Music Mode

The music mode has been redesigned.

Command Line Tool

Finally, the command line tool for IINA is here. To enable it, simply add a symlink to /Applications/IINA.app/Contents/MacOS/iina-cli in your PATH, for example:
ln -s /Applications/IINA.app/Contents/MacOS/iina-cli ~/bin/iina
Run iina --help for usage.

MediaPlayer Framework

IINA now uses the modern MediaPlayer Framework for system-wide media control. This includes: The MediaPlayer Framework only works in macOS 10.13+. On earlier system versions, it will fallback to the old mpv media key handling mechanism.

New Settings

Saved Filters and New Filter Presets

Revised Key Binding System

Other Improvements

Bug Fixes

We need your help

This is the last beta version before the 1.0 release. We need your help to make IINA even better and well-prepared for the stable release!


The following translations are out-dated:
  - Polish
  - Ukrainian
  - Turkish
If you are interested in updating translation in these languages, or providing a new translation, please contact us.

Feature Requests and Bug Reports

If you have a feature request or bug report, please report it as soon as possible.

Contributing to the Code

If you are a Cocoa developer and would like to contribute, please open pull requests on GitHub directly.

Our Email address is [email protected]. You can also open an issue on GitHub directly.